12 Most Anticipated Captain America: Civil War Moments (Based On What We Know)

4. The Introduction Of Baron Halmut Zemo

We have known for a while now that Inglourious Basterds and Rush star Daniel Brühl will be playing Civil War€™s main villain, and we now know which incarnation of the Nazi Baron the Spanish-born, German-raised actor will be playing. Like many Marvel heroes and villains, Baron Zemo has been a secret identity used by more than one person throughout the run of the comics, and the version MCU bosses have chosen to use is Helmut Zemo. The thirteenth in a line of villainous Barons, Helmut has had many run-ins with Captain America over the years in Cap's comics, one of which ends in a vat of chemicals hitting him square in the face, leaving him horribly disfigured and in need of the purple hood he is known for wearing. There's going to be a major difference to that here though - we know for sure that Brühl's Baton will not be wearing the traditional purple mask from the comics, and he may not even be German:
€œHe does not wear the mask. You would be surprised, it€™s different than what you€™d think. It€™s loosely connected to his character, but that€™s what I like about the Marvel guys, some of the characters and things they are dealing with always reference to current events so my character is from a different area than you would think.€

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.