12 Most Dark And Twisted Movie Scenes Of 2018
If you go down the woods today, a bear will pretend to be a human.

There's an almost primeval currency to being disturbed by movies. We seek that guttural wrench of disgust just as we urge ourselves to find the scariest horror, the darkest sci-fi, the goriest exploitation film, because there's nothing makes you feel alive more than your body reacting involuntarily to something you stimulate it with.
Deliciously, film-makers know this too. They know what twists our innards and pulls at the nerves behind our eyes from the smallest, strangest moments in family films that stick with us forever to the body shock art babies inspired by David Cronenberg and HR Giger. Both of those pillars were represented this year and in a particularly strange year, there was also talking bears, multiple baby transformations, dancing and decapitation.
It was a dark old year, to say the least...
12. The Arm - The Cloverfield Paradox

The most disturbing part of The Cloverfield Paradox wasn't the attempt to shoe-horn it into the existing franchise lore, but rather it was the bit wheree Mundy's arm getting sucked into a wall while he's innocently performing some maintenance.
He's pulled out of the wall by his crewmates, but his arm goes missing, which leads to the worst line in the movie - "where's my bloody arm?!!" - before his arm reappears like It from The Addams Family and proceeds to "walk" about the ship, terrorising the crew until they cover it over. It's goofy, but the effects work is brilliant and it's one of the only memorable scenes in the entire movie.
Also, there's a bit where one character, Volkov, loses control of his own eye, leading to a particularly disturbing little moment...

[Simon Gallagher]