12 Most F*cked Up Movie Marketing Campaigns

9. Cloverfield's Online Tie-Ins

The promotion for J.J. Abrams found footage horror Cloverfield started out mysteriously but simply enough with a couple of untitled teaser trailers attached to big blockbuster screenings the year prior to its release, but it was with the movie€™s online tie-ins that things got really weird. A website for fictional Japanese drinks company Slusho popped up (which those watching closely would€™ve seen featured in the trailer) complete with a mock company history detailing the drink€™s secret €˜deep sea ingredient€™, followed by www.tagruato.jp - the website of Slusho€™s parent company, a deep-sea drilling corporation. Confused? Us too, but apparently theories had already risen from the teaser trailers about Cloverfield€™s Cthulhu-like monster and the new websites cleverly got fans speculating even further about a link between Tagruato€™s deep-sea drilling operations and the origin of Cloverfield€™s monster.

Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.