12 Most Fearsome Giants In Cinema

3. Jaws, The Spy Who Loved Me/Moonraker (1977/1979)

In the pantheon of great James Bond villains, Richard Kiel's Jaws is literally head and shoulders above the rest. Sure, maybe Oddjob is more iconic and Xenia Onatopp was sexier, but ol' metal mouth brought a physical presence that no one else could match. He towered above Roger Moore at a full seven feet, two inches, and he had teeth made of metal which somehow enabled him to chew through metal. Aside from his teeth and his size, Jaws possessed a Looney Tunes level of resistance to bodily harm. Throughout his two film appearances, he is hit by cars, crushed by collapsing buildings, and falls thousands of feet without a parachute to no ill effect. Jaws proved to be such a hit with audiences that he was turned into a heroic character with a love interest. Even indestructible, improbably steel-mawed giants need love.

Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.