12 Most Fearsome Giants In Cinema

11. Lord Humungus, Mad Max 2 (1981)

This post-apocalyptic outback warlord is only 6'3", but he makes up for his (relatively) small stature with his outsized lust for conquest, and no little amount of muscle mass. Plus, come on. The guy's name is Lord Humungus. The Humungus ruled the Wasteland with an iron fist, a steel hockey mask and a pair of leather hotpants, but unlike many of his titanic peers, Humungus also shows off some skills unrelated to screaming or throwing things. For one thing, his lordship proved a surprisingly effective public speaker. And he's no mindless killer; despite employing an army of psychotic thugs known as the Dogs of War, Humungus prefers not to unleash them. Er, at least not right away. Although it's certainly within his abilities to immediately crush all that oppose him, Humungus takes a more measured approach. He'd rather peacefully scavenge someone's gas reserves and ambush them when they think they're safe than risk direct battle. After all, super-camp berserkers and smegma crazies don't grow on trees. Well, nothing grows on trees in the Wasteland, but you know.

Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.