12 Most Fearsome Giants In Cinema

10. Ivan Drago, Rocky IV (1985)

Sylvester Stallone's savior complex reached its ridiculous crescendo in Rocky IV, when his idiot hero ends the Cold War using a combination of boxing and Christmas. Standing in Rocky's way was not only four decades of geopolitical enmity, but also space-age Soviet übermensch Ivan Drago. It's never clear why Stallone associated the USSR with Nazi-style genetically superior Aryans, but AMERICA, right, Sly? Drago was about a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier than Rocky, and hailed from a state-of-the-art training facility just lousy with blinking lights and perforated paper print-outs. Even though Drago literally killed Apollo Creed by punching him like four times, Rocky beat him without once trying to block a punch, because he apparently has Homer Simpson syndrome. Perhaps if Drago had been equipped with a surgical 2x4, we'd all be speaking Russian right now.

Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.