12 Most Fearsome Giants In Cinema

5. Darth Vader, Star Wars Saga (1976-2005)

Darth Vader is human, right? He's like a space human or whatever. He totally counts. Anyway, even without his lightsaber skills and Force powers, Vader is a huge dude. At a canon height of 6'8", he towers over every other humanoid Star Wars character not named "Chewbacca." In fact, when all is said and done, it's Vader's size and physical strength that finally does in the Emperor at the climax of the original series. Rather than dicing the old man up with his lightsaber or trying to mentally choke him out, Vader opts to simply hustle over and military press him, Ultimate Warrior style, into a nuclear reactor. His mode of attack is appropriate: under all that black armor was David Prowse, champion powerlifter. He probably could have squatted him a couple times for good measure.

Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.