12 Most Hated Blockbuster Movie Endings

3. The Mummy (2017)

The Dark Knight Rises Ending

While many of the films on this list are doomed to live in infamy, none of them seem likely to be held up as such a spectacular catastrophe as 2017's reboot of The Mummy, intended - and, in the film's opening frames, explicitly declared - to be the starting point of Universal's Dark Universe, a modern recreation of the studio's classic monster movie franchise.

While this writer was one of the few who thought The Mummy was an enjoyable bit of silliness, it's not hard to see why it was deemed such a misfire. Tonally it's all over the place, wildly swaying from goofy comedy to ham-fisted action to dark horror, fudging the landing every time. Worse yet, it falls prey to that same trap of being too heavily devoted to setting up sequels which now look very unlikely to ever materialise.

And none of it fails quite so hard as the conclusion, in which, whilst battling Sofia Boutella's titular monster, Tom Cruise's wisecracking hero Nick Morton transforms into... something. Having been cursed when he opened the mummy's tomb, he is now partially possessed by the ancient Egyptian god Set, and while these powers enable him to defeat the monster and save the girl, they also seemingly render him a monster.

The final scene shows Morton traipsing through the desert, masked to hide his monstrous new look, in the hopes of leaving audiences anxious to see where the character would go from there. No such luck.


Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.