12 Most Hated Blockbuster Movie Endings

2. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith

The Dark Knight Rises Ending

This one can be summed up in a single word, its lone syllable dragged out to its maximum possible length: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..."

The Star Wars saga has had its share of divisive endings. Not everyone loves how neatly and safely everything gets wrapped up at the end of Return of the Jedi, how quickly and conveniently Rey becomes a Jedi master in The Force Awakens, or how Luke Skywalker takes a bow in The Last Jedi.

But for an ending that inspires near-unanimous winces and unintentional laughter, nothing can beat the newly created Darth Vader sinking to his knees and crying in despair for his lost love in the final moments of Revenge of the Sith.

It's a real shame, as up to that point Revenge of the Sith had been doing a reasonably good job of casting off the shame of Episodes I and II, and finally delivering the dark, hard-edged Vader origin story we'd all been waiting for.

Anakin and Obi-Wan's volcanic final confrontation rivals the battle with Darth Maul for the most thrilling moment of the prequels, and the horribly burned and dismembered Anakin's surgical transformation into Vader surely remains the single most horrific Star Wars moment.

But all that goodwill is pretty much scuppered by those final moments, ensuring the Star Wars prequels will always be remembered as little more than a bad joke.


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