12 Most Hopeless Horror Movie Endings

2. The Blair Witch Project

Drag me to Hell
Haxan Films

One of the most famous films of its generation, The Blair Witch Project quite literally broke the internet when it came out in 1999. An extensive amount of work went in behind the scenes to generate the sheer amount of hype that Blair Witch enjoyed, including shooting twenty hours worth of footage and creating a hoax about the actors' supposed disappearance.

Helping to revive a previously dormant found footage genre, Blair Witch follows Heather, Mike and Josh, three amateur film students who venture out into the woods of Maryland in a quest to make a documentary on the legend of the Blair Witch.

The film reaches a climax when Heather and Mike begin hearing Josh's cries and follow them to an abandoned house. The house is filled with the classic demonic symbols and children's bloody hand prints and quickly picks off Mike, causing him to drop his camera and disappear from the film briefly.

Heather heads into the basement where she discovers Mike standing in the corner of the room with his back to her. She screams, drops the camera and the film abruptley ends with her being attacked offscreen.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.