12 Most Hopeless Horror Movie Endings

1. The Cabin In The Woods

Drag me to Hell

The Cabin In The Woods is an ultra-meta, well-constructed horror film that really benefitted from delaying its release until after Chris Hemsworth became an international superstar.

The film opens up in a purposefully stereotypical way, featuring five of the usual horror movie cliche teenagers trekking off for a weekend alone in the woods. Staying in a cabin ripped straight out of an Evil Dead movie, the five teenagers stumble upon various strange-looking items in the cabin's basement, one of which triggers an uprising of an undead family that slowly start picking off each of the members one by one.

It turns out that the entire scenario is a simulation hosted by a company that offers the blood of human sacrifices to The Ancient Ones, colossal beings that live underneath the Earth's surface. A whole load of commotion goes down as two of the characters, Marty and Dana, break through the simulation and come face to face with The Director of the company.

The Director explains how Dana must kill Marty in order to appease the Ancient Ones below. When Dana decides that humanity doesn't deserve saving, the film ends with the whole world coming to an end as the Ancient Ones burst through the planet's surface.

Bleak stuff.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.