12 Most Hopeless Horror Movie Endings

5. Don't Look Now

Drag me to Hell
British Lion Films

Don't Look Now is one of the most gripping psychological thrillers to have emerged from the 70s and tackles the issues of loss, grief and trauma following a loss of a loved one.

The film follows couple John and Laura as they take a trip to Venice following the death of their young daughter, Christine. Don't Look Now quickly begins to deliver on the weird front however, utilising the colour red (the same colours Christine was wearing the day she died) throughout the film and keeping the audience in the dark with its big reveal until the very last second.

Following the same red hooded figure he had been seeing throughout the movie into a palazzo, it looks for a second that John and the audience might just have found the answers he's been looking for. The figure slowly turns around however and reveals herself to be a small, elderly woman who ignores his pleas and cuts his throat.

Ending a film by killing off the hero with no resolution in place is pretty hopeless in itself, however Don't Look Now goes one step further in intentionally everything despondant and confusing.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.