12 Most Hopeless Horror Movie Endings

4. The Fly

Drag me to Hell
20th Century Fox

One of David Cronenberg's best ever works, The Fly is one of the absolute must-watch films for fans of the body horror world. It is gruesome, gory and caps itself off with one of the bleakest finales audiences had ever seen at the time.

The film stars Jeff Goldblum as Seth Brundle, a brilliant but slightly deranged scientist that has created telepods that allow a person to travel from one place to another. Referenced in countless films, tv series' and music videos ever since its release in 1986, the telepods end up malfunctioning and the film becomes a battle against time for Seth as he slowly begins his mutation into a disgusting fly-like creature.

The Fly is filled with a hopeless feel surrounding Seth and his transformation, with each and every scene doing a brilliant job in making the tragic scientist look less and less human as he continues to evolve. The film's final standoff concludes with the last remnant of Seth's humanity clawing his way towards his girlfriend, Ronnie, and pleading for her to put him out of his misery.

In one final gut-wrenching sequence, Ronnie pulls the trigger on the shotgun she's picked up and blows Seth's head off.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.