12 Most Hopeless Sci-Fi Movie Endings

8. Brazil (1985)

A Clockwork Orange
Embassy International

Monty Python turned director Terry Gilliam is no stranger to the depressing dystopian science fiction world with Brazil once of his most famous.

The movie centers around Sam Lowry, a government employee with an extensive imagination and a penchant for daydreaming. One day he meets Jill who looks just like the woman who keeps turning up in his dreams. The two then begin a mission of forbidden love and espionage which results in Sam's arrest and Jill's supposed death.

Thankfully, Sam manages to escape and ends up crashing the funeral of his mother's friend who died after too much plastic surgery. His mother, also a surgery addict, suddenly looks exactly like Jill and starts to attract the eye of several men. Sam decides to make a run for it and finds himself on a street that also occurs in his daydreams. He then sees the real Jill and drives off into the sunset, marking the end to a beautifully written romantic drama...

Oh wait, this is Terry Gilliam we are talking about. Within seconds, we are transported back to the room of Sam's arrest. It is then made clear that Sam had actually been lobotomized by none other than fellow Python Michael Palin.

It is then revealed that everything that had happened since Sam's escape was a figment of his sad and sorry imagination and that the world doesn't take kindly to individuality and self-identity. Much like Nineteen-Eighteen-Four, Brazil touches on the overpowering force of bureaucracy and the suppressing of individual thoughts and decisions. Truly, truly, depressing.


Kristy Law hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.