12 Most Memorable Christmas Songs From The Movies

3. Die Hard - Christmas In Hollis

mean girls
20th Century Fox

Back in 1988, Argyle the limo driver may have had to protest, "this IS Christmas music!" But today, surely there aren't many of us who would deny that Run DMC's Christmas in Hollis is a bona fide classic seasonal song - and Die Hard had a big part to play in cementing its status.

The New York hip-hop legends recorded the track (based largely around a sample from another alternative Christmas classic, Clarence Carter's Backdoor Santa) the year before director John McTiernan's film used it to play out John McClane's journey to Nakatomi Plaza, not yet knowing what a fateful night it will prove to be.

For some unfathomable reason, there seems to be a lot of debate of late as to whether or not Die Hard qualifies as a Christmas movie, simply because it's set on Christmas Eve. It's a strange, and ultimately rather pointless argument; but whichever way you choose to look at it, surely we can all agree Die Hard is a true milestone of 1980s cinema.

Christmas in Hollis was more recently used in 2015 comedy The Night Before, in which Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Seth Rogen and Anthony Mackie sing an energetic rendition in a karaoke bar.

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