12 Most Memorable Christmas Songs From The Movies

2. Meet Me In St. Louis - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

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Taking things down a notch, we go way further back in film history for the origins of a song which has long since become one of the most beloved Christmas numbers of them all - although, as with some of the other entries on our list, it's not strictly speaking a Christmas film.

1944 musical Meet Me In St Louis centres on the Smith family living in the city of the title around the turn of the century, playing out over the course of a year in their life. Naturally this incorporates Christmas, and the emotional song performed by Judy Garland reflects the anxiety of the Smith daughters when informed by their parents that the family are about to move.

Given that the Second World War was still raging at the time, the mournful tone of the song hit home with the many who were missing family members. It's since become a Christmas standard, re-recorded in numerous occasions, though in some instances with slightly rewritten lyrics to make it a bit more upbeat.

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