12 Most Radical Body Transformations For Comic Book Movies

9. Hugh Jackman - The Wolverine

wolverine jackman
20th Century Fox

Weight Gain: 25 pounds

When Hugh Jackman first came to play Wolverine in X-Men, he didn't have the luxury of a lot of time to prepare for the role, so his Logan was a little softer round the edges than we might have been used to. He wasn't cuddly, or anything, but when you look back at that period and compare it to Wolvie's look in his first real solo movie, the difference is terrifying.

Clearly keen to make the berserker look the part for The Wolverine (with the critical mauling of X-Men: Origins still ringing loud), Jackman turned to the most qualified meathead on the planet - Dwayne The Rock Johnson - who gave him the sage advice he needed to pack on 25 pounds of muscle and cut to a very lean condition:

“He told me that if in a six-month period you want to put on 25 pounds of lean muscle and not fat, eat natural and eat 6,000 calories a day. There were times when I would literally eat with the mind set of working out. ‘One more mouthful, one more, come on, come on, you’ve got to finish this meal.’"
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