12 Most Ridiculous Biopic Castings Of All Time

4. John Travolta - John Gotti (Gotti)

John Travolta John Gotti
Moviepass Ventures & FBI

Gotti may be one of 2018's worst films (so far) for many reasons, but at the heart of the Scorsese-aping crime biopic is a wildly miscast John Travolta as the New York mobster himself.

Like Nicolas Cage, Travolta's late-period career has seen him don an increasingly suspicious - not to mention hilarious - array of hairdos, and Gotti gives the actor a stiff, bouffant silver pompadour to place atop his crown.

The performance itself is nothing but pure, hysterical caricature, and beyond Travolta being age-appropriate for the part, there are probably dozens if not hundreds of character actors better qualified to play the Telfon Don.

At least Travolta's involvement made an otherwise generic biopic a spectacular laugh riot, but in serious filmmaking terms, he was all kinds of wrong for the role.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.