12 Most Ridiculous Biopic Castings Of All Time

10. Anthony Hopkins - Richard Nixon (Nixon)

Anthony Hopkins Nixon
Buena Vista & The White House

Anthony Hopkins received a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his performance as President Richard Nixon in Oliver Stone's entertaining 1995 political drama, and as enjoyable as his performance is, it's absolutely in spite of the fact he's inherently miscast as the infamous POTUS.

Hopkins has had a career-long problem when it comes to playing historical figures: he's such a statuesque actor with such a distinctive vocal tenor that he struggles to disappear beneath even the most impressive make-up.

He also struggled recently to convincingly play Alfred Hitchcock, though it's his portrayal of Nixon that's the most baffling.

Even with a truck-full of make-up applied to his face, Hopkins' iconic visage and distinct Welsh twang are always there. He gets points for attempting to embody the spirit of the man, but he was fundamentally wrong for the part.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.