12 Most Ridiculous Biopic Castings Of All Time

9. Kevin Spacey - Bobby Darin (Beyond The Sea)

Kevin Spacey Beyond The Sea Bobby Darin
Lionsgate & General Artists Corporation

Kevin Spacey absolutely deserves credit for using his own singing voice to belt through Bobby Darin's back catalogue, though the film - which he co-wrote, directed and produced - is unfortunately more of an ego vehicle than it is a compelling biopic.

Aside from being a fairly ho-hum dramatisation of the singer's life, Beyond the Sea's primary issue is that Spacey was far too old to play Darin.

The actor was 44 years of age when shooting began, yet Darin died at the mere age of 37, and sections of the movie call for Spacey to not-so-convincingly play a 20-something Darin.

The age discrepancy was so blatant that the movie's posters even creepily retouched Spacey's face, smoothing out the lines to make him appear far younger.

As admirable as Spacey's commitment is to the part, this was misguided from the very beginning, and unsurprisingly, it sank like a stone at the box office.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.