12 Most Underrated Things In DCEU Movies

11. Doomsday Fight Sequence - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Black Mask Ewan McGregor
Warner Bros.

Love it, hate it or otherwise, it is fair to say that there were some significant structural issues with Batman V Superman. The movie was a perfect example of trying to bite off way more than it could chew, giving its central villain the most bizarrely complex and largely pointless plan ever conceived. While the three hour 'extended' version apparently proves to be a better viewing experience, the more common sense approach to the film would have been to delete one of the major plot arcs.

While many have argued that the arrival of Doomsday in the film's final act was the one aspect that could have been deleted, in this writer's opinion it is actually the strongest aspect of the movie. Seeing Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman team up together to take on the near indestructible creation really should have been the central fight the film built up to, rather than an after thought. The scene itself is executed brilliantly, with the trio working earnestly together, before a final sacrificial act stops the evil in its tracks.

While the fight between the two superheroes was obviously a pivotal aspect to the film, all of Lex Luthor's intricate plotting to make this occur really could have been left out. Having a more organic rivalry between the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel would have raised the stakes when they final took each other on, while Lex's character would have been best served concentrating on the creation of Doomsday.


While he likes to know himself as the 'thunder from down under', Luke is actually just a big dork who loves all things sport, film, James Bond, Doctor Who and Karaoke. With all the suave and sophistication of any Aussie half way through a slab, Luke will critique every minute detail of films and shows from all eras- unless it's 1990's Simpsons episodes, because they're just perfect