12 Movie Actors Who Did Awful Things To Their Co-Stars

7. James Franco Refused To Pull Punches On Tyrese Gibson - Annapolis

Gothika (2003) - Robert Downey Jr.
Touchstone Pictures

You might not have even heard of Annapolis, a little known movie from 2006 set at a Naval Academy, but it starred a younger James Franco and Tyrese Gibson as two cadets who also train to be boxers.

According to several reports, including one from Gibson himself, Franco went full method and refused to pull his punches during any of their fight scenes, instead choosing to actually beat up his co-star. As you can probably guess, this didn't go down well with Gibson, who couldn't believe that Franco would choose to act in such an unprofessional manner for the length of the shoot.

"We’ve made up, or I tried to make up with him," Franco later said of the strange events that went down on the set of Annapolis. "Maybe I was too into that role. I don’t try to be mean to anybody on a movie."


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.