12 Movie Actors Who Did Awful Things To Their Co-Stars

6. Robert De Niro Blanked Cybill Shepherd - Taxi Driver

Gothika (2003) - Robert Downey Jr.
Colombia Pictures

It's hard to imagine that many would have probably turned down Robert De Niro at the height of his career, but actor Cybill Shepherd did exactly that... and then found herself subjected to an incredibly awkward situation as a result.

That's precisely what happened on the set of Taxi Driver, anyway, when De Niro - who stars opposite Shepherd in Martin Scorsese's moody masterpiece - decided he wanted to take their relationship to a new level. Unfortunately for him, she turned him down.

As a means of revenge, perhaps, De Niro decided that he would no longer talk to his co-star unless he was in character. The only way these two ever spoke to one another on the set of Taxi Driver was when De Niro was channelling Travis Bickle. Safe to say De Niro doesn't take rejection lightly, huh?

Despite the fact that De Niro probably didn't handle this situation in the best way, his approach somehow worked: Shepherd later admitted that she regretted rebuffing him.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.