12 Movie Characters Who KNEW They Were In Movies

3. Kuzco In The Emperor's New Groove


The Emperor's New Groove is an often underlooked but decent animated movie which came out at the tail end of Disney's animation Renaissance. Like Aladdin, and to be honest a few other Disney movies which could have made this list, it leans against the fourth wall very heavily during its story. But unlike most others, it goes even further.

The movie starred David Spade, back when he was still a going concern, as Emperor Kuzco who, like the Emperor of the similarly titled fable, is self-centred and narcissistic. As such, we end up with a scene being frozen, and Kuzco wandering in front of the animation, to complain that the movie isn't paying enough attention to his character, getting out a marker to circle where in the scene his character is.

The movie even has a scene wherein Kuzco on screen starts telling Kuzco the narrator to 'give it a rest', when he's at his lowest ebb, showing that he can hear the narration as well as we can. The use of fourth wall breaking in the movie is really here to display the self-obsession of the main character.

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Tim is a writer, actor, improviser and occasional stand-up comedian. Read his blog at: https://timgoodingsbandwagon.wordpress.com/