12 Movie Characters Who KNEW They Were In Movies

2. Everyone In Blazing Saddles

Warner Bros.

The end of Blazing Saddles is a wild flurry of fourth wall breaking, starting with an old west brawl that spills over onto the set of a different movie, leading Slim Pickens to declare 'Screw you, I work for Mel Brooks!'

The casts of both movies fight, with the cowboys beating up a bunch of tuxedo-clad dancers, and from there the movie gets even more meta. The fight spills over into the studio cafeteria, with actors from other films sitting around eating, and being forced in to an inter-movie pie fight.

The entire cast then storms off the whole Warner Bros lot, and Harvey Korman's Lamarr calls a taxi, ending up at the premiere of the very movie we're watching. He encounters Sheriff Bart and gets shot, at which point Gene Wilder's Jim walks up.

To bring us back into the film proper, Bart and Jim decide to go into the cinema to watch the ending, at which point we continue to watch the characters on their own set, and the fourth wall break ends.

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Tim is a writer, actor, improviser and occasional stand-up comedian. Read his blog at: https://timgoodingsbandwagon.wordpress.com/