12 Movie Characters Who KNEW They Were In Movies

1. The Mask

New Line Cinema

The original Deadpool?

No, but Jim Carrey's The Mask similarly broke through the reality of the world, and the fourth wall, consistently throughout the film. Within context, this is due to the Mask heightening the personality traits of its wearer, with Stanley Ipkiss (Carrey) being obsessed with cartoons. So not only does he behave cartoonishly by pulling huge objects out of nowhere, transforming his face and body, he also speaks directly to the audience just like Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.

For the most part these asides are limited to Carrey speaking down the barrel of the camera, but one scene in particular has him accepting an award for a moving and dramatic death scene, in which he delivers several sets of last words referencing various movies, such as 'tell Scarlet I do give a damn', and 'tell Tiny Tim I won't be coming home this Christmas', separated out by rasping coughs directed at the viewer (and one fart).

After the Mask quickly feigns death, a gloved hand reaches out from behind the camera to award him a statuette, similar to (but legally distinct from) an Oscar. A small silhouette of an audience appears at the bottom of the screen, and the Mask appreciatively accepts his award.

It's daft, but the best part of the scene is villain Dorian Tyrell, as played by Peter Green. Upon seeing the audience appear, he quickly smooths his hair down and checks his suit, apparently wanting to appear presentable for the Academy, before snapping out of it and pointing a gun at Ipkiss. Stupid. Genius.

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Tim is a writer, actor, improviser and occasional stand-up comedian. Read his blog at: https://timgoodingsbandwagon.wordpress.com/