12 Movie Characters Who KNEW They Were In Movies

8. Woody Allen In Annie Hall

United Artists

In maybe Allen's most famous film, one scene shows us the fantasy outcome to an everyday annoyance - overhearing someone espousing their half-baked views on something, with no-one around to challenge them.

Allen's character is in line with the titular Annie, played by Diane Keaton, as they're forced to listen to some incredibly irritating mansplaining from the guy behind, about Fellini, Samuel Beckett and crucially about the critic/media theorist Marshall McLuhan. Allen mutters complaints to Keaton about the man, before finally breaking from the line and approaching the camera, asking 'what do you do with a guy like this behind you?'

Further, the man himself sees this happen, and follows Allen to the camera, complaining that it's a free country, why shouldn't he give his opinion?

He smugly gives Allen his credentials, that he teaches a class on TV, Media & Culture, and that his insights into McLuhan have a 'great deal of validity'.

Allen then walks across the screen, and produces McLuhan himself, in the flesh, who promptly tells the man that he knows nothing of his work. It's a fun bit of wish-fulfilment, concluded by Allen asking us 'wouldn't it be great if life were like this?'

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Tim is a writer, actor, improviser and occasional stand-up comedian. Read his blog at: https://timgoodingsbandwagon.wordpress.com/