12 Movie Characters Who KNEW They Were In Movies

7. The Stranger In The Big Lebowski

Universal Pictures

The Coen Brothers' The Big Lebowski opens with a rambling narration from Sam Elliott, about how there's a man for every time, and in that time, he's the man etc.

We see his character a couple of times throughout the film, known only as The Stranger, a cowboy-type with a southern drawl and a moustache the size of your forearm. Both times he's sitting at the bar of the bowling alley frequented by The Dude, Walter & Donny.

But at the very end of the film, in a nice single shot, we see a brief exchange between The Dude and The Stranger, during which we get the famous line, and The Dude's last of the movie: 'The Dude abides.'

After repeating it back to himself, The Dude having left to continue bowling, The Stranger gives a satisfied smile, and looks up at the viewer. After a few words about Bridges' character, he lets us know that 'That about does 'er. Wraps her all up.' He continues to give his thoughts on the events of the movie, even giving a quality judgment on the film, from within the film.

He ends his monologue, and starts to chat to the barman, the camera moving away towards the lanes behind - a relaxing and endearing way to end the film. I don't know about you, but Sam Elliott could narrate my own death and all I'd want to do is sit and listen.

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Tim is a writer, actor, improviser and occasional stand-up comedian. Read his blog at: https://timgoodingsbandwagon.wordpress.com/