12 Movie Franchises You Didn't Realise Were Still Going


The Films You Know: 2007's Spanish horror film is like nothing you have ever seen. Revolving around a news crew following firefighters on a call to an apartment complex, things soon go wrong when it appears that a virus is spreading throughout the building, causing the victims to turn into rabid monsters. became a cult success, earning rave reviews for its tension and creepiness, and it was also a massive commercial hit, especially considering it's not in English. This led to the excellent sequel 2 and then the strange misfire, 3: Genesis, which took away the found footage gimmick and re-positioned the franchise as a black comedy. It was extremely divisive among fans, and suggested to some that perhaps the second film's cliffhanger was never going to be resolved... The Films You Don't: But wait, there's more. 4: Apocalypse is currently in post-production, and returns to the same tone of the first two films, as well as purporting to resolve the fate of Angela Vidal, the sole survivor journalist who became possessed at the end of 2. Apocalypse is supposed to be the final entry into the series, but if the movie does well, another sequel or spin-off will no doubt be likely.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.