12 Movie Moments Everyone Was Waiting For (That Never Happened)
Expectations are for chumps, apparently.
When we sit down to watch pretty much any movie, we usually do so with a few built-in expectations, all of which have been pulled from pre-release trailers, movie clips, our familiarity with the genre and the actors involved, or because the motion picture in question is based on a pre-existing property, like a novel or a comic book. So it's no surprise that we come to expect certain "moments" to take place in movies before we go to see them - it's part of the experience. Still, whereas it's probably fair to say that the majority of movie moments we come to predict actually do happen, there are occasionally times when our assumptions turn out to be worth nothing at all. That's to say, you've probably settled into a movie reckoning you know what's going to go down, be it that you've mesmerised the trailer, or you think you've figured out the plot, only for it to turn around, slap you in the face, and say: "Nope. Not happening, pal. You're wrong." Here are 12 movie moments that everybody was waiting to happen for one reason or another... none of which actually did. How sad.