12 Movie Openings That Totally Trolled Audiences

9. Feast

Scream Drew Barrymore
Dimension Films

Created by contestants on Bourne star Matt Damon's Hollywood reality series Porject Greenlight, the gory action comedy horror hybrid Feast from 2005 is an agreeably cheesy slice of creature feature horror which endeavours to do for monster movies what Scream did for slashers.

Does it succeed in this admirable goal? Not quite, but like its contemporary Hatchet, there's a lot of guilty fun to be had in the process. This quality is never more obvious than in the audacious troll of an opening.

The film opens on a remote desert diner besieged by monstrous fanged man-eaters, prompting the arrival of Grey's Anatomy star Eric Dane.

The rugged actor appears as a character named only “Hero” and says he's the guy who can save our cast from the bloodthirsty beasts...

Then he’s promptly torn out the window (and into pieces) a half second later, with the film offing its leading man and most recognisable face after barely a second of screen time.

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Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.