12 Movie Predictions For 2014

11. Robocop Bombs At The Box Office & With Critics

José Padilha's reboot/remake of Robocop has had bad press ever since the enterprise began, exacerbated by both Padilha's own struggles with studio meddling, and the fact that it doesn't really look anything like a Robocop movie. As a result, they've lost most of the hardcore fanbase of the original movies straight off the bat, but as we all know, casual audiences account for the majority of box office receipts, but even then, with a relatively low-key marketing campaign so far (considering it comes out in the UK next Friday), I just can't see this one being a breakout hit. The movie cost $130 million to make, so unless it explodes in Asian markets, you can probably cap it just under $200 million, which after marketing costs, will essentially mean that it doesn't make any profit. Basically, expect it to do the same as another needless remake of a classic Paul Verhoeven film: Total Recall performed exactly that badly two years ago.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.