12 Movie Remakes That Completely Screwed Up Iconic Scenes

4. The Twist - Oldboy

Josh Brolin Elizabeth Olsen Oldboy
Tartan Films

The Original: Chan-wook Park's demented thriller is remembered best for its mind-blowing plot twist, that the protagonist, Oh Dae-su and the girl he has been having sex with, Mi-do, are in fact father and daughter. This is revealed to him by Woo-jin, the antagonist of the movie, as part of his long-winded plan to avenge his own sister's death (which he believed to be Dae-su's fault). It was shocking, and completely upended everything we thought we knew about the story.

The Remake: Spike Lee was clearly acutely aware of the fact that many viewers would have seen the original Oldboy and would therefore know what's going to happen. To try and combat that, Lee thought he'd pull one over on viewers by heavily implying that the daughter character (played by Elizabeth Olsen) was not the daughter: Josh Brolin's protagonist even sees video footage of a different woman as his daughter.

Of course, in the end the villain (played horribly by Sharlto Copley) reveals that he hired an actress to pretend to be his daughter, and through home video footage, we see that Olsen's character is, in fact, his daughter. It's such a lame duck attempt to try and trick savvy audiences, especially as it can be seen coming a mile off, and even if you somehow didn't manage to guess it, it just seems really cheap.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.