12 Movie Remakes That Completely Screwed Up Iconic Scenes

3. Rape Scene - Straw Dogs

Straw Dogs Kate Bosworth
Screen Gems

The Original: One of the most shocking and controversial scenes ever put to film, the rape scene between Amy and her former lover Charlie in Sam Peckinpah's original sparked an outrage because of its ambiguity, and the possible implication that the victim may have enjoyed the experience to an extent. Allowing viewers to make up their own minds makes it possibly the greatest scene the director ever shot, and though it may arguably eroticise rape, it also crowbars open a fascinating if deeply unpleasant debate among viewers. It's worth noting that a second rape, from another man, was restored in the 2002 Special Edition, which ironically undid some of the controversy, due to Amy clearly not enjoying that assault.

The Remake: The equivalent scene in the remake, this time replacing Susan George for Kate Bosworth, is considerably more tame if still undeniably horrible. For starters, the lack of nudity makes it seem less "raw" and more obviously a staged, fake sex scene, while Amy is less ambiguous in her feelings. She remains disgusted and is clearly not enjoying the experience, a rather cowardly move by director Rod Lurie, essentially de-fanging what was a ground-breaking if queasy scene.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.