12 Movie Remakes That Completely Screwed Up Iconic Scenes

1. The Protagonist Dies - The Wicker Man

Nic Cage The Wicker Man
Warner Bros.

The Original: One of the most unsettling movie endings in history, The Wicker Man concludes with Sgt. Howie (Edward Woodward) realising that the missing girl he has been chasing all over a remote island is not intended for a Pagan sacrifice as he believed: it was all a ruse to ensnare Howie himself as the sacrifice. Howie is then placed inside a giant wicker man and burned to death, while the islanders merrily sing and the film comes to an end. Absolutely horrifying.

The Remake: Though Neil LaBute's remake follows along similar lines, it's shot through with an absurd amount of self-seriousness given how campy and silly this take on the material is. Nicolas Cage clearly knows he's acting in a dud, so decides to have a little fun and over-act himself into oblivion, screaming "Killing me won't bring back your godd*mn honey!". It's almost impossible to take seriously, and is essentially a masterclass in how not to remake an iconic movie scene, or indeed, a great movie. The sinister dread felt at the end of the original movie is just not here: instead it's mainly cacophonous laughter.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.