12 Movie Sequels That Luckily Didn't Happen

9. E.T 2: Nocturnal Fears

Gump And Co
Universal Pictures

This proposed sequel to the 1982 classic is nothing short of horrifying. In fact, it's a wonder it was even considered for production. In hindsight, E.T never needed a sequel - any attempt to bring the little alien back to Elliot for a new adventure would likely have seemed forced, cheap, and sloppy. At the time, though, Steven Spielberg thought a follow-up was a good move, and he started working on some new ideas.

Spielberg wanted to direct a sequel in which Elliot is kidnapped by evil aliens (portrayed as "cousins" to E.T's mysterious race) and experimented on until E.T comes and saves the day. Bringing a whole new definition to the idea of taking a film in a "new direction", Spielberg pondered on the story and came to the conclusion that it was far too dark to be a successful family film.

It was a good decision, needless to say. Since then, Spielberg has gone onto bigger and better things and E.T has been left alone in all its glory, untainted by traumatising sequels.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.