12 Movie Sequels That Prove You Should Never Go Back

8. Dumb And Dumber To

Indiana Jones Crystal Skull
New Line Cinema

What It Billed As

Two iconic comedy characters (played by two great actors with very mixed recent records) return to play arguably their most famous characters. Again, the moron spirit is strong with this one, but surely they'd just give us more of the same silliness, right?

Anything to make that God-awful prequel disappear, amiright?

What It Actually Was

The last dying wisps of the Farrelly Brothers attempting to insist that their unique brand of humour wasn't completely irrelevant. And it wasn't wholly successful on that meagre front either.

The jokes were thin and few and far between, and it's very clear that the world has moved on since Harry and Lloyd first made a splash. It's left them behind, and so should the careers of Bridges and Carey too, in all honesty. Sure, it's the image of levity in a cruel, dark world but it came a good 15 years too late at least, and it ended up being WORSE than the bloody prequel.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.