12 Movie Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (24th Jan)

2. Spider-Man Is Actually Going To Fight In Civil War

Thanks to a selfie posted by MCU producer Louis D'Esposito, we now have some idea that Spider-Man will actually do some sort of fighting in Civil War. That much is clear from Peter Parker's noticeably roughed up look, as he sported a sweet shiner. Does his presence on set suggest there's some reshooting going on to include more of him? Will he actually get involved in the hero v hero dust-up, or is this just a hint that Parker is very much an active hero fighting bad guys when Tony Stark allegedly seeks to recruit him as a sidekick. These are certainly interesting questions. https://twitter.com/louisde2/status/690663464289730561?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw This supposed behind the scenes photo, on the other hand, is a great big phoney... https://www.instagram.com/p/BA065MYisn5/ Nice try though.

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