12 Movie Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (24th Jan)

5. Apocalypse Is Basically Mutant Hitler

Thanks to Slashfilm's interview with Brian Singer, we have some more idea of both Apocalypse's motivation (spoiler: he doesn't like anyone he doesn't deem superior) and his powers in the upcoming X-Men sequel. First off, his plan for global domination, which doesn't sound good for normal humanity:
"Yeah, it€™s global, it€™s a global situation. He wants to make a massive global change. I don€™t want to tell you what he€™s going to do but it€™s visually unique. He€™s going to do something really bad to the Earth that€™s going to cause a lot of people to not live and those that survive will be the strongest."
"A lot of people to not live" is a pretty round the block way of saying death on a grand scale. Presumably it won't be unfixable unless future X-Men movies are going to be particularly bleak. Singer also confirmed that the villain will be extremely persuasive (strike two for the Hitler likeness), and that he has an enviable power set including being able to jump bodies. Which presumably means killing him is out of the question entirely:
"Yeah, he moves from body to body. Apocalypse himself is not a physical form, he€™s an energy. I don€™t know what he is. What he does is accumulate powers over the millennia by moving from body to body. What€™s wonderful is he thinks in the beginning of the film he€™s found this great body. I don€™t want to give away what the power of the body this mutant has but it€™s a familiar one that you€™ve seen a number of very famous mutants have. It kind of ends up being the wrong one because he gets stuck in it for a long time, but then suddenly he has this opportunity and that becomes his agenda. So it€™s another interesting thing in the movie, the villain always has their agenda."

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