12 Movie Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (24th Jan)

4. More Than One Green Lantern Will Join Justice League

As revealed during DC's special look ahead to their Extended Cinematic Universe, DC have some tangible plans for the Green Lantern Corps. Kevin Smith got Geoff Johns to announce the world exclusive news that the seventh member of the Justice League team will actually be multiple people:
"We've been to these cities, we've been underwater, but there's one place we haven't been to: space. But now we are. So the Green Lanterns and the Green Lantern Corps are coming to join the Justice League universe."
So, the implication is that the Justice League might have more than one ring-powered hero, as images of Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner and Simon Baz were displayed on screen. The most likely of those would undoubtedly be Stewart and Jordan, as they're rumoured to be the focus of the Green Lantern Corps movie (which I like to think is going to feature some Top Gun like rivalry).

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