12 Movie Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (6th Feb)

9. Deadpool Has Over 100 Easter Eggs

Good news for everyone planning on committing a couple of weeks to endlessly watching and rewatching Deadpool until you're sick of your life: the new film has an astronomical number of Easter Eggs and references: During a Twitter Q&A, Ryan Reynolds whipped Easter Egg hunting fans into a froth by promising as many:
"By our last count, which was a couple months ago, we had over a hundred Easter eggs in Deadpool."
He also revealed he'd thieved two things from the set:
"I kept two things from the 'Deadpool' set. kept the stuffed unicorn wearing ass-less leather chaps that Deadpool carries around in the movie, and I also kept a Deadpool suit, because I waited ten years to do the film, so I'm keeping the f*cking suit."
Fair enough, really.

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