12 Movie Spoilers We Didn’t Know Last Week (6th Feb)

8. There's A New Zorro Film Coming

Since swords and swashbuckling have been given a boost in mainstream fandom by the rise of Game Of Thrones, and Hollywood is on a nostalgia kick at the minute, it was inevitable that someone was going to try and make Zorro a thing again. Inevitably it comes with a "twist", which sounds entirely unnecessary. Gravity screenwriter Jonás Cuarón will write and direct the film, imaginatively titled Z. It has previously been called €œa post-apocalyptic take on the myth of Zorro€set in the near future but keeps the idea of a masked and caped stranger taking on tyrants.€ So that's another one to go along with the futuristic Robin Hood that doesn't need to be updated. Source.

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