12 Movies In 2019 That Were Unfairly Hated

1. Captain Marvel

Rocketman Devil
Marvel Studios

Brie Larson's debut in the MCU was solid if unspectacular. Not a bad movie by any stretch, but after all the hype of being the last movie before Endgame and, more importantly, Marvel's first female led movie, it just didn't live up to the expectations set before it.

Forming an opinion on a movie, whether positive or negative, is the right of every single person who sees it. Making this kind of judgement before that movie is even released however, and based on social aspects or whether you like the lead actor as a person, rather than anything on screen, is not.

In the build up to the release of Captain Marvel, Rotten Tomatoes was flooded with thousands of 'fans' already slating Brie Larson, while labeling the MCU chapter as SJW nonsense. Despite the bad reviews, Captain Marvel still killed it at the box office, grossing over one billion dollars.

Such was the ridiculousness of this phenomenon, it triggered Rotten Tomatoes to change the way their site worked, stopping people from reviewing movies before their release, and removing the 'not interested' button. Yes, the movie ultimately fell short of expectation, but absolutely did not deserve this treatment before it had even been seen.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.