12 Movies You Probably Hated The First Time Round (But Loved The Second)

1. Blade Runner

The First Time: "I thought this was going to be a movie about a bounty hunter dude killing robots? It looked nice and the soundtrack was cool, but where was all the action? And why does Harrison Ford like origami unicorns so much?" The Second Time: Blade Runner is one of those movies that a lot of people don't "get" on their first viewing. Not to get too pompous about it, but what's clear is that it's a visual and aural feast first and foremost, a sensory experience that gives way to a seemingly more conventional chase narrative. Except despite the occasional spurts of action, it's not the frantic fest of set-pieces that many expected. It's a more quiet, atmospheric effort, and audiences prepared to give it a second viewing are likely to see that. Plus, if you've done any Googling since your first viewing, you'll probably appreciate the ending more having finally realised the gravity of what it means. On my first viewing (in my teens, mind), the climax to Blade Runner was totally confusing and just left me scratching my head. And again, please add your own experiences with second viewings in the comments below!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.