12 Movies So Good You Overlook Major Flaws

10. The T-Rex Paddock Plot Hole - Jurassic Park

jurassic park
Universal Pictures

Jurassic Park is without question one of Hollywood's greatest blockbusters and an undeniable high-point of Steven Spielberg's career.

It's also rife with a few peculiar plot holes, with the director clearly hoping audiences would be so enamoured with the effects and sense of adventure that they wouldn't notice or care.

He's mostly right, but there's one gaffe which feels especially sloppy and careless for such a huge, complex movie.

When the T-Rex first breaks free from its paddock, we can see it walking on level ground, but later on, the area has magically transformed itself into a cliff edge that Alan Grant (Sam Neill) rappels down. Where did the cliff come from, and how could the T-Rex stand there?

Some have argued that the movie simply failed to explain a plot point from the book, that a moat is built between the T-Rex and the fence, but nothing we see visually really suggests that's true in this case.

It feels more like an attempt to cover for a shockingly blatant continuity error from a master filmmaker.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.