12 Movies So Good You Overlook Major Flaws

9. The Time Travel Makes No Sense - Looper

Looper Joseph Gordon Levitt Bruce Willis

Rian Johnson's ludicrously entertaining sci-fi classic requires an enormous suspension of disbelief in order to buy into its fairly shaky time travel mechanics. This is to such an extent that the movie literally has Bruce Willis' future Joe telling the audience, "The logic is cloudy, don't overthink it and just enjoy the ride."

Many have taken umbrage with the scene where Seth (Paul Dano) is dismembered in the past, resulting in his future body being continually altered and re-written with missing limbs.

Because of course, typical time travel logic dictates that Seth's initial dismemberment would've altered his life trajectory significantly, and the future scene would've never actually happened.

It's a causal paradox and one that the movie attempts to lampshade with Willis' diner talk, though it still rubs a lot of fans the wrong way.

This is also true with young Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) scrawling the name of the waitress Beatrix into his arm, which surely would've had an influence on Joe's ability to marry his wife. After all, who the hell would marry a guy with another woman's name carved on their arm?

Johnson at least makes an above-average attempt to hand-waive the shaky logic as intentionally amorphous, but it's still immensely frustrating.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.