12 Movies That Tried Too Hard To Innovate (And Sucked Anyway)

10. Hulk

Ang Lee's Hulk
Universal Pictures

A much-maligned superhero flick from the days before the superhero genre became quite so dominant, this represented a well-intentioned but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to do a different kind of superhero origin story.

The issue with this one is summed up absolutely perfectly in the Rotten Tomatoes critics consensus: "There's too much talking and not enough smashing." Hulk himself barely appears, with the focus instead being on lots of drawn-out dialogue scenes and many bland human characters.

This aimed for being more of a drama (on set, director Ang Lee referred to the film as a Greek Tragedy) but unfortunately, not only were the dramatic scenes in the movie poorly written, but they didn't gel at all with the film's more light-hearted elements and cartoonish action scenes.

The result was one of the worst Marvel films to date and a confused, moody and stunningly boring mess that failed to ever meet its lofty ambitions.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.