12 Movies That Will Slap Your Happy Mood Right In Its Face

7. The Road (2009)

A post apocalyptic film based on Cormac Mccarthy's 2006 novel of the same name, The Road is about as harrowing a road movie as you can imagine. A man and his son struggle to live after a virus spreads across Earth destroying most plant life and animal existence, and the usual fall of civilisation is followed by people fighting to survive by any means necessary, including murder and cannibalism. Humanity is dependable like that. The Road is a tense and dramatic film showing the despair and desperation that overcomes humanity in order to simply survive; a moral conscience is lost to most people in these kinds of situations, so let's just hope the world doesn't go tits up any time soon. The Face Slap Moment: When the father realises that he only has one bullet left and considers using it on his son.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com