12 Movies That Will Slap Your Happy Mood Right In Its Face

6. In A Glass Cage (1987)

When In A Glass Cage was released, it was criticised for being a bit 'too much' in almost every single way. Which is a fair enough statement considering the themes concentrate on pedophilia, human mutilation, torture and homosexuality all of which involve young children. Klaus is a former German Nazi doctor who has continued his sick and inhuman experiments on children even after he was exiled and the war was over. When one of his victims witnesses Klaus murdering another boy, he attempts to commit suicide and fails, meaning that he has to spend the rest of his days in an archaic iron lung to survive. Klaus' own wife resents him and wants him dead as caring for him is too much of a burden so they hire some help in the form of Angelo who just happens to be one of Klaus' previous victims. It gets worse. Angelo doesn't want revenge, he wants to take over Klaus' place and even live in his artificial iron lung because when you're that messed up, your own ability to breath by yourself doesn't seem enough for you anymore. It's quite simply one of the most horrific films you'll ever see - if you make it through to the end. The Face Slap Moment: When Angelos makes Rena watch her father die (even if he does deserve it).

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com