12 Movies Where The Villain Turns Good
You either die a villain or live long enough to become the hero.

So many villains have seen themselves as the hero over the years. So few have been correct in their assumption with the real hero defeating them before the end credits roll. There are many times where the villain was indeed one of the good guys once upon a time. Usually due to a tragic back story of some sort, however, they flip to the dark side soon enough.
Other times, villains return in sequels with a new lease on life, teaming with the hero to take down a newer, nastier threat. Often an effective storytelling trope, the villain come good is a staple throughout cinema that has grown especially popular in recent years.
To introduce someone as downright evil and then send them down a road to redemption can be a gripping and powerful story when well executed.
Sometimes fans clamour to see a popular antagonist turn good, prompting the writers to switch up the character’s allegiance. Whether it’s thanks to the charisma of the actor playing them or the exceptional quality of the writing, this trope has frequently taken film franchises in fresh and thrilling directions.
12. Catwoman (The Dark Knight Rises)

Not the nicest of people to start with, Selina Kyle kicks a hobbled Bruce Wayne’s cane out from under him and steals his late mother’s pearls. She proceeds to kidnap a politician, provide Wayne’s fingerprints to the monstrous Bane and eventually trick Batman into receiving the worst beating of his life. As humorous and likeable as Catwoman is throughout the film, her level of destruction and villainy early on is only outdone by Bane himself.
After such a sinister start, her third act redemption becomes all the more impressive. Opting to stay in Gotham and help Batman after an initial escape plan, she guns down Bane and aids the Caped Crusader in putting a stop to Talia Al Ghul’s nuclear ambitions.
It all ends very happily for the newly minted hero as she retires peacefully to live with Bruce. Away from the grim and gritty Gotham they just saved from annihilation, a redeemed Selina Kyle could finally be free of her old life.
One of Batman’s most popular characters, Christopher Nolan managed to cram in the villainous, anti-heroic and finally heroic aspects of the character in one go.